Choosing a sun screen for your Skin

As the temperatures start to rise and the days get longer, we all start to spend more time outdoors.  Now is the time to start thinking about sunscreen.

Why do I need to wear a sun screen?

The sunlight that reaches us is made up of two types of harmful rays: UVA and UVB. UVA rays penetrate deep into the dermis, the skin’s thickest layer. Unprotected exposure can lead to premature skin aging and wrinkling (photo-aging). An estimated 90% of skin changes and damage associated with aging are caused by a life time exposure to UVA rays.  UVB rays will usually burn the superficial layers of your skin and plays a key role in the development of skin cancer.

For many years buying a good sunscreen meant buying a high SPF – but no longer.  Now there are a new generation of sunscreens on the market – designed to offer fuller protection against UVA and UVB rays. 

Classic and Mineral Sunscreens are differentiated by their active sun protection ingredients. Classic sunscreens use chemical active ingredients designed to absorb and dissipate UVA/UVB rays, while Mineral sunscreens use mineral active ingredients such as Titanium Dioxide and Zinc Oxide to scatter and reflect UVA/UVB rays.

What makes a good sun screen?

For most people SPF 15 is fine.  SPF 15 filters out around 90% of UVB rays whereas SPF 30 filters up to 97%. 

When buying sunscreen, look for products that

  • contain Zinc Oxide and Titanium Dioxide (these act as physical blockers) or hyaluronic acid (this helps with keeping your skin hydrated)
  • has chemical-free active ingredients
  • is water resistant
  • is environmentally friendly
  • is in a product you use daily – like a moisturiser or BB cream

BLOOM recommends COOLA because

  • COOLA is an organic range
  • All COOLA formulations, both classic and mineral, guarantee broad-spectrum protection from both UVA and UVB rays!
  • COOLA mineral sun screens contain a high zinc oxide mineral content. This will help protect your skin more and prevent premature aging & sun damage which includes – sun spots, wrinkles, blemishes, dry patches and uneven skin tones.

WHY do we recommended sun screen protection after Bloom laser treatment?

Sunlight can irritate or cause changes in the skin tone around the treated areas.  We recommend sunscreen daily to prevent further sun damage, premature aging, changes in skin tones and skin cancers.

  • Wear a Coola sun screen
  • Wear a hat to provide sun protection – for the first 2 weeks after treatment to your face
  • Wear protective clothing over the treated area for the first 2 weeks after treatment
  • Do not use a tanning bed for 2 weeks after treatment
  • Use a daily moisturiser or a COOLA BB cream with an SPF 20-30 which is perfect for everyday use. Using an SPF moisturiser not only protects your skin, it also slows down the process of premature ageing and strengthens the skin. Look for creams that have UV filtering to protect each individual cell.
  • Don’t forget about SPF for your LIPS. COOLA have 4 tinted and a colourless lip balms for your lips.  These lip balms range from SPF 15-30.

Choosing a sun screen for your Skin


BLOOM stocks an extensive selection of COOLA sun screen sticks, sprays and lotions for your body, BB creams, Primers and Makeup setting sprays for your face.  Our friendly, knowledgeable staff are happy to help you decide the best products for you and your family. 

Contact us today.

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