Why you should include Vitamin B in your skincare routine

Everyone has heard of Vitamin B and how it can help create beautiful and supple-looking hair, skin, and nails. But did you know that there are eight B vitamins you need to have a balanced and healthy skincare routine?

B vitamins work together to create anti-ageing effects and provide skin rejuvenation. 

If you want to know the best Vitamin B skincare options, then keep reading to find out what these skincare vitamins are all about. 

Why you should include Vitamin B in your skincare routine


What Is Vitamin B?

When it comes to skincare, Vitamin B is an antioxidant that battles the signs of ageing and smooths sensitive skin. 

B Vitamins perform a variety of different tasks, mainly helping enzymes in your body do their job. Some release energy from carbohydrates and fat to break down amino acids, some transport oxygen and energy around the body. 

The ones most commonly used in skincare serums are Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, and Vitamin B12. 

Let’s look at the eight kinds of B vitamins and their unique benefits for your body and skin.

B1 – Thiamin

This vitamin is important for the growth and function of various cells throughout the body. It also aids in breaking down nutrients for energy.

You only store small amounts in your liver, so it’s important to have a daily intake of thiamin to keep your levels balanced. It helps your skin by increasing blood circulation and protecting it from harmful effects caused by factors like ageing and alcohol consumption. 

Therefore, it is also known to regulate stress and can help reduce stress-related breakouts.

 B2 – Riboflavin

B2 is another vitamin that you need to take to maintain daily functions. It helps your body grow cells, produce energy, break down fats, medications, and steroids.

Riboflavin helps keep your skin healthy while preventing breakouts. It can be applied topically to help balance natural oils, making skin more radiant. 

B3 – Niacin

Niacin, or Vitamin B3, helps with converting nutrients into energy, creating cholesterol and fats, and carrying out the effects of antioxidants. It even helps to create and repair DNA. There are over 400 enzymes in your body that rely on niacin to do their jobs.

The two common forms of B3 in foods are nicotinamide (also known as niacinamide) and nicotinic acid. It is a coenzyme, meaning other enzymes need it to complete their functions.

When it comes to your skin, it helps reduce inflammation and fights signs of ageing like blemishes and fine wrinkles. It also helps with collagen production and assists the top layer of your skin in retaining moisture. It even protects against UV rays.

This array of benefits helps your skin stay soft and fresh, which is why niacin is one of the most commonly used B vitamins in skincare. 

Vitamin B3 is suitable for all skin types, but it is especially beneficial for sensitive or acne-prone types. It is antibacterial and reduces pigmentation. It is great to use in combination with exfoliants and acid toners. 

Why you should include Vitamin B in your skincare routine

B5 – Pantothenic Acid

Vitamin B5 is another coenzyme that works to break down and build fatty acids along with completing other metabolic functions. It may help with reducing bad cholesterol levels and have antioxidant effects that reduce minor inflammation. 

Vitamin B5 is a humectant, meaning it keeps skin moisturised. It can help your skin by reducing breakouts and dryness. It also helps any skin wounds heal faster.

Vitamin B5 works well for any skin type but pairs best with normal to dry skin types. 

It is also popular in skincare serums for protecting against free radical damage and works well with other anti-ageing and acne products because it can reduce irritation. It is great to use day or night.  

B6 – Pyridoxine

Vitamin B6 is the active coenzyme that allows over 100 other enzymes in the body to function properly. They assist activities like breaking down proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. It also supports brain health and proper immune functioning. 

Pyridoxine has been studied closely for its possible application in disease prevention. It is possible Vitamin B6 can offer treatment for pregnancy-induced nausea and decrease the risk of some cancers. 

This vitamin helps keep hormones balanced, which reduces breakouts. It also helps treat several skin conditions like eczema, acne, and even melanoma. Vitamin B6 is used in topical skincare to aid with hormonal acne, redness, and inflammation. 

Why you should include Vitamin B in your skincare routine

B7 – Biotin

Biotin is one of the most popular B vitamins. It also plays a huge role in allowing enzymes to break down fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. Vitamin B7 plays a role in regulating cell signals and gene activity. Low levels of Vitamin B7 will lead to dry skin, hair, and nails. 

This vitamin keeps your skin healthy and is also used as a treatment for conditions like acne and eczema. It allows the formation of fatty acids that nourish the skin, so using a product with biotin can help your skin look younger. 

B9 – Folate or Folic Acid

Folate is important because it helps your body form DNA and RNA and plays a role in protein metabolism. It also helps to break down homocysteine, which can be harmful to your body if left to build up into large amounts.

Folate is also necessary to produce healthy red blood cells. It is extremely important for pregnant women and developing fetuses as it is needed for periods of rapid growth. 

This vitamin keeps our skin fresh by replacing, building, and repairing skin cells. Skincare products that contain folic acid strengthen the skin barrier, improving moisture retention and fighting dry skin. 

B12 – Cobalamin

Vitamin B12 is also needed for the formation of red blood cells and DNA. It helps with the function and development of your brain and nerve cells, and it also helps wounds to heal. 

Cobalamin regulates the skin’s pigment production, keeping an even tone. It is great in anti-ageing treatments as it can minimise dark spots.

Include B Vitamins in Your Skincare Routine

Along with eating healthy foods, you can also give your skin the vitamins it needs by using a serum. Make sure the one you choose is rich in vitamins B3, B5, B7, and B12, as these are the most powerful players when it comes to skincare. 

Our asap collection offers a variety of serums rich in different complex B vitamins to keep your skin satiated and shining, like the asap vitamin B serum. It contains a high concentration of Vitamin B3 to boost collagen production and reduce pigmentation. Make it a part of your morning and evening skincare routines. 

Take Care of Your Skin With a Vitamin B Serum

It’s clear to see B vitamins play a huge role in the health of your skin. Any deficiencies will be sure to show up in the condition of your skin. 

Acne, dryness, wrinkles, and poor complexion are just a few of the possible red flags that your skin needs a Vitamin B boost.

Take a look at our skincare range on our online store to find plenty of products packed with B vitamins.  Your skin will thank you for it.

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